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Diploma in Spanish History and Culture

Viñeta verdeGeneral Description

The aim of this Diploma is to provide students with an overview of the Spanish historic and contemporary reality in order to deepen their knowledge of Spanish language and culture, which will help them initiate other studies in Spanish and/or complete their humanistic, scientific, experimental and social knowledge.

Viñeta verdeProgram Details

The Diploma in Spanish History and Culture awards 30 ECTS credits divided into 5 compulsory courses. This study program, especially designed for international incoming students, covers areas such as: history, art, literature and geography in the context of Spain.

However, it is possible to register for individual Elective Courses, or to combine some of these with other ordinary Courses in Spanish.

Viñeta verdeDiploma Schedule

Viñeta verdeExams Schedule

Viñeta verdeDiploma Unit courses

5764 From Prehistory to the Twentieth Century: a look into the History of Spain
Description of individual course unit 5764)

5765 Cross-Cultural Spanish Art
(Description of individual course unit 5765)

5766 Contemporary Spain (1939-2009). Politics, Society and Culture
(Description of individual course unit 5766)

5767 Discovering Spanish Landscapes
(Description of individual course unit 5767)

5768 Playing with words: the Spanish Literature in its main texts
(Description of individual course unit 5768)

Viñeta verdeFaculty

All the courses in the Diploma in Spanish History and Culture are taught by the Faculty of Arts and the Department of Philology academic staff, who have wide experience in teaching in English and have carried out part of their professional training in British and North American universities.

Viñeta verdeWho is eligible for the Diploma?

The Diploma is open to exchange and visiting students at the University of Cantabria that are pursuing a humanistic degree or a complement to their technical education.

Viñeta verdeHow can I register for some courses or for the Diploma as a whole?

Registration takes place at the Office for International Relations at the University of Cantabria, in the ordinary registration period for second semester courses.

For exchange students, these courses will be included in the Student’s Learning Agreement.

Viñeta verdeDeadline: 1st November

Viñeta verdeFurther Information

International Relations Office:

Facultad de Económicas y Derecho, 1st Floor
Av. Los Castros s/n.
39005 Santander, Cantabria (Spain)
Tel: 00 34 942 201038
Fax: 00 34 942 201078

Academic Information:

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
Av. Los Castros s/n.
39005 Santander, Cantabria (Spain)
Fax: 00 34 942 201402