AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Ortega C., Altuzarra E.,. Martínez M.A ,Mazarrasa O.y Calvet R.. TITULO: Accidental dichloromethane fatality. A case report. REF. REVISTA: Journal Forensic Sciences 2001, 46:726-7.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T. y Riancho J.A TITULO: Population data on nine STRs from Cantabria, a mountainous region in northern Spain. REF. REVISTA: . Forensic Science International 2001, 122:175-7.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Riancho J.A., Sánchez-Diz P.y Sánchez-Velasco P. TITULO: 7-Locus Y chromosome haplotype profiling in a northern Spain population. REF. REVISTA: Forensic Science International 2001, 123: 78-80.
AUTORES : Riancho J.A., Zarrabeitia M.T., Franco R y González Macías J.. TITULO: Haplotipos del intrón 1 del receptor estrogénico, pico de masa ósea y riesgo de fracturas osteoporóticas. REF. REVISTA: Revista Española de Enfermedades Metabólicas Oseas 2002, 11:13-15.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Amigo T., Sañudo C., Zarrabeitia A., González-Lamuño D .y Riancho J.A. TITULO: A new pentaplex system to study short tandem repeat markers of forensic interest on X chromosome. REF. REVISTA: . Forensic Science International 2002, 129:85-89.
AUTORES: Riancho J.A. y Zarrabeitia M.T.. TITULO: The prosecutor's and defendant's Bayesian nomograms REF. REVISTA: International Journal Legal Medicine 2002, 116:312-313.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Amigo T., Sañudo C., Martínez de Pancorbo M. y Riancho J.A.. TITULO: Sequence structure and population data of two X-linked markers:DXS7423 and DXS8377. REF. REVISTA. International Journal of Legal Medicine 2002, 116:368-371.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Riancho J.A., Leyva-Cobián F., Sánchez-Diz P. y Carracedo A.. TITULO: Differences in Y-Chromosome haplotype frequencies at the microgeographical level. REF. LIBRO: En B. Brinkman y A. Carracedo (eds). Progress in Forensic Genetics. 2003, Vol 9, pags 409-412. Elsevier Sci, Amsterdam ISBN 0-444-50717-5.
AUTORES: Brion M., Quintans B., González-Neira A., Zarrabeitia M.T., Salas A., Riancho J.A., Lareu M.V., Sánchez-Velasco P. y Carracedo A. TITULO: Microgeographic patterns of highly informative Y-chromosome haplotypes (using biallelic markers and STRs) in Galicia (NW Spain): forensic and anthropological implications. REF.LIBRO: En B. Brinkman y A. Carracedo (eds). Progress in Forensic Genetics. 2003, Vol 9, pags 61-66. Elsevier Sci, Amsterdam ISBN 0-444-50717-5.
AUTORES: Szibor R., Edelmann J., Zarrabeitia M. T. y Riancho J. A. TITULO: Sequence structure and population data of the X-linked markers DXS7423 and DXS8377 - clarification of conflicting statements published by two working groups. REF. REVISTA. Forensic Science International 2003, 134:72-3.
AUTORES: Riancho J.A. y Zarrabeitia M.T. TITULO: A Windows-based software for common paternity and sibling analyses. REF. REVISTA. Forensic Science International 2003, 135:232-4.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Riancho J.A., Lareu M.V., Leyva-Cobián F. y Carracedo A.. TITULO: Significance of micro-geographical population structure in forensic cases: a bayesian exploration. REF. REVISTA International Journal of Legal Medicine 2003, 117: 302-305.
AUTORES:. Gusmao L., Sánchez-Diz P., Alves C., Quintáns B., García-Poveda E., Geada H., Raimondi E., Silva S.M., Vide M.C., Whittle M.R., Zarrabeitia M.T., Carvalho M., Negreiros V., Prieto L., Riancho J.A., Campos-Sánchez R., Vieira-Silva C., Toscanini U., Amorim A.y CarracedoA TITULO: Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on the Y chromosome STRs GATA A10, GATA C4, GATA H4, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460 and DYS461: population data REF. REVISTA: Forensic Science International 2003, 135: 150-157
AUTORES: Sánchez-Diz P., Gusmao L., Beleza S., Benitez-Paez A., Castro A., García O., Solla LP., Geada H., Martin P., Martinez-Jarreta B., de Fátima Pinheiro M., Raimondi E.,Silva, M.C., Vide M.R. Whittle., Zarrabeitia M.T., Amorim A. y Carracedo A. TITULO: Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on two Y-STRs tetraplexes: GEPY I , (DYS461 GATA C4, DYS437, and DYS438) and GEPY II ( DYS460, GATA A10, GATA H4 and DYS439)., REF. REVISTA Forensic Science International 2003, 135: 158-162
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Riancho J.A., Gusmao L., Lareu M.V., Sañudo C., Amorim A. y Carracedo A. TITULO: Spanish population data and forensic usefulness of a novel Y-chromosome haplotype (DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, DYS461, GATA A10, GATA C4, GATA H4). REF. REVISTA: International Journal Legal Medicine 2003, 117:306-11.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Hernández J.L., Valero C., Zararbeitia A.L., García-Unzueta M.,. Amado J.A, González-Macías J., Riancho J.A. TITULO: A common polymorphism in the 5'-untranslated region of aromatase gene influences bone mass and fracture risk. REF. REVISTA:European Journal of Endocrinology 2004; 150:699-704.
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia A., Zarrabeitia M.T., Valero C., González-Macías J., Riancho J.A.. TITULO: Age-related influence of common aromatase gene polymorphisms on bone mass of healthy men. REF. REVISTA: Bone 2004, 35:243-8.
AUTORES: Brion M., Quintans B., Zarrabeitia M.T., Gonzalez-Neira A., Salas A., Lareu V., Tyler-Smith C. , Carracedo A TITULO: Micro-geographical differentiation in Northern Iberia revealed by Y-chromosomal DNA analysis REF. REVISTA: Gene 2004, 329: 17-25
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia MT, Alonso A, Zarrabeitia A, Castro A, Fernandez I, de Pancorbo MM TITULO: X-linked microsatellites in two northern Spain populations REF. REVISTA: Forensic Science International 2004, 145: 57-59
AUTORES: Riancho J.A., Zarrabeitia M.T., Valero C., Sañudo C., Hernández J. L., Amado J. A., Zarrabeitia A., González-Macías J. TITULO: Aromatase gene and osteoporosis: relationship of ten polymorphic loci with bone mineral density. REF. REVISTA Bone 2005, 36:917-925.
AUTORES: Combarros O., Riancho J.A., Infante J., Sañudo C., Zarrabeitia M.T., Berciano J. TITULO: Interaction between CYP19 Aromatase and Butyrylcholinesterase Genes Increases Alzheimer's Disease Risk. REF. REVISTA Dementia Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2005, 20:153-157.
AUTORES: Roewer L., Croucher P., Willuweit S. et al. TITULO: Signature of recent historical events in the European Y-chromosomal STR haplotyupe distribution REF. REVISTA: Human Genetics 2005, 116: 279-291
AUTORES: Gómez-Román J., Esparza del Valle C., Zarrabeitia MT., Cifrián Martínez J., Zurbano Goñi F., Mons Lera R., Cuevas J. and Val-Bernal J.F. TITULO: Recurrence of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma in donor lung after lung transplantation: Microsatellite analysis demonstrates a recipient origin. REF. REVISTA: Pathology International 2005, 55: 580-584 .
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T., Alonso A., Zarrabeitia A.L., Blanco L., Riancho J.A.. TITULO: Unlinked tetrameric microsatellites on the X chromosme: frequency data in males from Cantabria (northern Spain). REF. REVISTA Journal Forensic Sciences 2005, 50:1497-8.
AUTORES: Gusmao L., Sánchez-Diz P., Calafell F., Martín P., Alonso C.A., Álvarez-Fernández F., Alves C., Borjas-Fajardo L., Bozzo W.R, Bravo M.L., Builes J.J., Capilla J., Carvalho M., Castillo C., Catanes C.I., Corach D., Di Lonardo A.M., Espinheira R., Fagundes de Carvalho E., Farfán M.J., Figueiredo H.P., Gomes , Lojo M.M., Marino M., Pinheiro M.F., Pontes M.L., Prieto V., Ramos-Luis E., Riancho J.A., Souza Góes A.C., Santapa O.A., Sumita D.R., Vallejo G., Vidal Rioja L., Vide M.C., Vieira da Silva C.A., Whittle M.R. , Zabala W., Zarrabeitia M.T., Alonso A., Carracedo A., Amorim A. TITULO: Mutation rates at Y chromosome specific microsatellites. REF. REVISTA Human Mutation 2005, 26:520-8.
AUTORES: Valero C., Zarrabeitia M.T., Hernández JL, Zarrabeitia A., González-Macías J. y Riancho J.A. TITULO: Bone mass in young adults: relationship with gender, weight and genetic factors. REVISTA: J Intern Med. 2005, 258:554-62
AUTORES: Riancho J.A., Saro G., Sañudo C., Izquierdo M.J., Zarrabeitia M.T.. TITULO: Gitelman syndrome: genetic and expression analysis of the thiazide-sensitive sodium-chloride transporter in blood cells. REF. REVISTA Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2006, 21: 217-220
AUTORES: Zarrabeitia M.T.,.Alonso A, Martín J., Gonzalez-Gay M.A., Martín-Escudero J.C., Martinez de Pancorbo M., Sanz P., Ruiz-Cabello F., Riancho J.A. TITULO: Study of six X-linked tetrtanucleotide microsatellites: population data from five Spanish regions. REF,REVISTA: International Journal of Legal Medicine (en prensa)