Diploma Summary
What will the Diploma consist of?
The Diploma will consist of 30 ECTS credits distributed in courses taught in English. The profile of the courses will be mainly experimental, in disciplines such us Optics, Radioactivity, Astronomy, Atomic Physics or Spectroscopy. General teaching will be carried out in small groups, and lab work mainly in pairs.
Program Description
At least 30 ECTS credits are required to complete the Diploma. Elective courses are:
5671 Advanced Experimental Techniques (5 ECTS)
5672 Experimental Optics (5 ECTS) [+] Poster
5675 Environmental Radioactivity (5 ECTS) [+] Poster
5683 Spectroscopic Techniques (5 ECTS)
5673 Observational Astronomy (5 ECTS)
5774 Applied Photonics (5ECTS)
However, it is possible to register for individual Elective Courses, or to combine some of these with other ordinary Courses in Spanish. As a complement, it is also posible to register for:
5684 Project [Limited to 5 students] (10 ECTS)
5657 Spanish History and Culture for Engineers [Eligible for Physics students] (5 ECTS)
5656 Spanish Language for Engineers [eligible for Physics students] (5 ECTS)
The Program will be taught by the Faculty of Science staff, with a wide teaching and research experience in an international context, and will be carried out mainly in its teaching and research laboratories.
Why study Experimental Physics in English at the University of Cantabria?
Experience education in Spain, and improve your command of Spanish, if you do not feel too confident yet.
Obtain a full university Diploma that assures an academic recognition of the courses contained therein.
Carry out a wide range of mid-to-high level experiments in Physics. Laboratory work requires a person-to-person communication, ideal for language skills development.
Who is eligible for the Diploma?
The Diploma is open to exchange and visiting students at the University of Cantabria that are pursuing a technical Degree in their home University.
How can I register for some courses or for the Diploma as a whole?
Registration takes place at the Office for International Relations at the University of Cantabria, in the ordinary registration period for second semester courses.
For exchange students, these courses will be included in the Student’s Learning Agreement.
Further Information
Universidad de Cantabria Web:
International Relations Office:
Faculty of Business-Economics and Law, 1st Floor
Av. Los Castros s/n.
39005 Santander, Cantabria (Spain)
Tel: 00 34 942 201038
Fax: 00 34 942 201078
E-mail: exchange.students@gestion.unican.es
Academic Information: Facultad de Ciencias. Av. Los Castros s/n.
39005 Santander, Cantabria (Spain)
Fax: 00 34 942 201402
E-mail: saizvj@unican.es