Postgraduate incoming students

The UC offers a broad range of postgraduate studies aimed at responding to the current needs of society. Their objective is, on the one hand, to train professionals capable of accepting and overcoming the contemporary socio-economic challenges and, on the other hand, of creating an entire generation of top-rate researchers.


The UC postgraduate courses consist on masters, doctorates and continuing education.



Official Masters


The official masters have been adapted to the New European Higher Education Area. Courses offered by the UC provide advanced training that facilitates academic or professional specialization, or else which foster initiating a research career. These studies carry between 60 and 120 ECTS credits and may be applied for by anyone holding an official university degree.


Admission requirements (information in Spanish):




Continuing Education


The University of Cantabria offers other postgraduate studies which provide further preparation in many different areas of specialization and which are directly focused on the professional applications of the disciplines being taught.





Doctoral studies are aimed at training academics and researchers of the every highest level. They combine specialization within a scientific and technical area with training in research techniques.  

Further information in UC regular courses:


Servicio de Gestión Académica

Pabellón de Gobierno. Avda. de los Castros s/n

Tel. 34-942 201055

Fax: 34-942 201060

E-mail: gestion.academica@gestion.unican.es
Web: /infoacademica

Financial aid


Postgraduate studies financing can be obtained in the framework of several co-operation programmes. Students must apply according to each programme rules and deadlines:

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