The University of Cantabria’s own Studies

Official Master's Degrees

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The University of Cantabria's own Studies

Continuous Education

In our constantly advancing world keeping abreast of new developments is essential. In this context the University offers a range of postgraduate options (master’s degrees, expert diploma courses, short specialisation courses and continuous training) that provide specialised and updated education and training in several fields. Some of these programmes are offered in collaboration with companies, public institutions and other prestigious universities.






Masters Programmes

Black bulletBanking and Financial Markets: 70 credits
Black bulletTrade, Transport and International Communications: 60 credits
Black bulletInternational Cooperation and Competitiveness: 60 credits
Black bulletManagement in Health Services: 60 credits
Black bulletTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language: 60 credits
Black bulletSpanishAmerican MA Course in International Cooperation and Development: 60 credits
Black bulletGender Equality and Public Politics: 60 credits
Black bulletEngineering for Cooperation in Development: 60 credits
Black bulletIntervention in Tobacco Addictions: 60 credits
Black bulletMediation: 60 credits
Black bulletOccupational Risk Prevention: 60 credits
Black bulletTobacco Addiction: 60 credits
Black bulletBuilding Technology and Management: 60 credits
Black bulletTaxation: 60 credits

Interuniversity Masters Programmes

Black bulletBanking and Financial Markets: 75 credits
Black bulletBanking and Financial Markets (Casablanca): 144 credits
Black bulletEconomics of International Trade and European Integration: 60 credits

The University of Cantabria's own Studies

Expert Diploma Courses

Black bulletAdvanced Auditing and Accounting: 35 credits
Black bulletInternational Trade and Transport: 40 credits
Black bulletCare and Healing of Chronic Wounds: 33 credits
Black bulletManagement in Health Services: 30 credits
Black bulletBuilding Pathology and Structures: 20 credits
Black bulletBuilding Management: 20 credits
Black bulletInnovation Management: 32 credits
Black bulletTourist Business and Destinations Management: 40 credits
Black bulletSpanishAmerican Diploma Course in Cooperation and Development: 45 credits
Black bulletEngineering for Cooperation in Development: 20 credits
Black bulletBuilding Facilities and Enclosures: 20 credits
Black bulletEnglish Language: 50 credits
Black bulletApplied Linguistics in Spanish: 25 credits
Black bulletMethodology for Teaching Spanish:25 credits
Black bulletEnvironmental Health: 20 credits
Black bulletBuilding Technology: 40 credits

Short post-graduate specialisation courses

Black bullet13th Course on Community and European Union Law: 5 credits
Black bulletDevelopment Economics: 15 credits
Black bulletEnglish for Chemical Engineering and Business Executives: 10 credits
Black bulletErgonomy and Applied Psychosociology: 10 credits
Black bulletManagement and Execution of the Building Process: 7 credits
Black bulletProyect Cycle Management: 15 credits
Black bulletBusiness and Economic Management of the Building Process: 7 credits
Black bulletIndustrial Hygiene: 10 credits
Black bulletTools and Horizontal Cooperation Axes: 15 credits
Black bulletInstitutional Political and Legal Cooperation Framework: 15 credits
Black bulletCompany Models in Internet: 12 credits
Black bulletPathology and Rehabilitation of Buildings: 7 credits
Black bulletSafety at the Workplace: 10 credits
Black bulletSOLID EDGE. Siemens PLM Software V1: 5 credits
Black bulletSOLID EDGE. Siemens PLM Software V2: 5 credits
Black bulletTechnology for Enclosures and Execution of Buildings: 7 credits
Black bulletTechnology for Building Structures: 7 credits
Black bulletTechnology for Building Installations: 7 credits

Continuous Training Courses

Black bulletEnvironmental Quality II: 2 credits
Black bulletUniversity Education and Cooperation. Ethics and Engineering: 1 credit
Black bulletRenovación Certificado Especialidad Buques Gaseros V.1 créditos: 1
Black bulletRenovación Certificado Especialidad Buques Petroleros V.1  créditos: 1
Black bulletRenovación Certificado Especialidad Buques Quimiqueros V.1 créditos: 1
Black bulletRenovación Certificado Especialidad Buques Familiarización en Buques Tanque V.1 créditos: 1
Black bulletRenovación de Tarjetas Profesionales de la Marina Mercante V.1 créditos: 3
Black bulletXXVI Course in Primary Care in Paediatrics: 1 Credit

Further information in:

Information  Servicio de Gestión Académica
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Telephone +00 34 942 200984
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Web: /infoacademica



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