Official Master’s Degrees

Official Master's Degrees

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Official Master's Degrees


Second cycle university studies leading to the award of the official Masters degree have a minimum of 60 credits and a maximum of 120 credits, and consist of advanced, specialised or multidisciplinary training aimed at academic or professional specialisation or at promoting the undertaking of research tasks.



Centres and Official Master's Degrees

Orange bulletSchool of Civil Engineering

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Enviornmental Management of Hydro-Systems
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Integrated Management of Coastal Areas
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Engineering of Coasts and Ports
Black bulletEuropean Master’s Degree in Construction Engineering
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Environmental Engineering
Black bulletResearch Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering
Black bulletResearch Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering

Orange bulletFaculty of Medicine

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in the Study and Treatment of Pain

Orange bulletSchool of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Chemical Engineering 'Production and Sustainable Consumption'
Black bulletResearch Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
Black bulletMaster’s Degree en Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Modelling
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Information Technology and Communication in Mobile Networks

Orange bulletFaculty of Sciences

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Material Science
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Computing
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Physics and Physical Technology
Black bulletEuropean Master’s Degree in 'Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling'
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Mathematics and Computing
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Analysis Techniques, Evaluation and Sustainable Management of Processes and Natural Risks

Orange bulletFaculty of Economics and Business Studies

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Marketing Management (Tourist Companies)
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Business Studies and Information Technology
Black bulletInteruniversity Master’s Degree in Economics: Instruments of Economic Analysis

Orange bulletFaculty of Humanities

Black bulletInteruniversitary Master’s Degree in Contemporary History
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Historical and Territorial Heritage
Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Prehistory and Archaeology

Orange bulletFaculty of Law

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in the Fundamentals and Principles of the Judicial System

Orange bulletFaculty of Education

Black bulletMaster’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary School Teachers

Further information in:

Information  Servicio de Gestión Académica
Pabellón de Gobierno
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Web: /infoacademica



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