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Academic Excellence

The main objective of the University of Cantabria is to provide its students with the necessary resources to place them in an excellent position to enter the job-market and to perform well in that market. To this end, the University has elaborated several teaching assessment procedures and offers a variety of services that guarantee an education in keeping with a competitive and global context.

The balanced ratio of students (12,228) to teaching staff (1,202) favours the quality of both teaching and individual attention through guidance and support services. Teaching includes theoretical and practical sessions supplemented by laboratory work, specific programmes with companies, and services providing access to printed and electronic information.

The main guarantee of the teaching prestige of the University of Cantabria is the scientific trajectory of its academics. In order to stimulate academic excellence, the University of Cantabria actively participates in the programmes developed by the National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA). Within this context, all its degree programmes are subjected to an assessment process in which students play an active role. Moreover, the institution has already started to adapt its study plans to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area, due for 2010.

Seven Degree Courses will be starting in the Academic Year 2009/2010. They have been elaborated according to the regulations in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, October 29th, which establishes the planning for official university teaching.

The University also strives to modulate the learning process according to needs through complementary means, such as the renewal of degree programmes, the approval of exam regulations, the use of curricular assessment systems and the offer of distance learning courses through the Virtual Campus.

Centres and Degrees (Bologna Process)

Orange bulletFaculty of Sciences

Black bulletDegree in Physics
Black bulletDegree in Mathematics

Orange bulletFaculty of Humanities

Black bulletDegree in Geography and Town and Country Planning
Black bulletDegree in History

Orange bulletFaculty of Medicine

Black bulletDegree in Medicine

Orange bullet‘Altamira' School of Tourism

Black bulletDegree in Tourism

Orange bullet‘Gimbernat Cantabria’ School of Physiotherapy

Black bulletDegree in Physiotherapy

Centres and degrees
1st and 2nd Cycle Diplomas and Degrees

Orange bulletFaculty of Sciences

Black bulletDegree in Computer Engineering

Orange bulletFaculty of Economics and Business Studies

Black bulletDegree in Business Studies (3 years)
Black bulletDegree in Business Administration and Management (4 years)
Black bulletDegree in Economics (4 years)

Orange bulletFaculty of Law

Black bulletDiploma in Labour Relations (3 years)
Black bulletDegree in Law (5 years)

Orange bulletSchool of Teacher Training

Black bulletTeacher Training Diploma (speciality in Physical Education (3 years))
Black bulletTeacher Training Diploma (speciality in Infant
Education (3 years))
Black bulletTeacher Training Diploma (speciality in Primary Education (3 years))
Black bulletTeacher Training Diploma (speciality in Foreign Languages (3 years))
Black bulletDegree in Psychopaedagogy (2nd cycle - 2 years))

Orange bulletSchool of Civil Engineering

Black bulletDegree in Civil Engineer (5 years)
Black bulletPublic Works Technical Engineering (speciality in Civil Constructions (3 years))

Orange bulletSchool of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications

Black bulletDegree in Industrial Engineer (5 years)
Black bulletDegree in Chemical Engineer (5 years)
Black bulletDegree in Telecommunications Engineer (5 years)
Black bulletTechnical Industrial Engineering, speciality in Electricity (3 years)
Black bulletTechnical Industrial Engineering, speciality in Industrial Electronics (3 years)
Black bulletTechnical Industrial Engineering, speciality in Mechanics (3 years)
Black bulletTechnical Industrial Engineering, speciality in Industrial Chemistry (3 years)
Black bulletTechnical Telecommunications Engineer, speciality in Electronic Systems (3 years)

Orange bulletSchool of Nautical Studies

Black bulletDiploma in Marine Engineering (3 years)
Black bulletDiploma in Marine Navigation (3 years)
Black bulletDiploma in Naval Engineering: Propulsion and Ship Services (3 years)
Black bulletDegree in Marine Engineering (2nd cycle - 2 years)
Black bulletDegree in Maritime Studies and Transportation (2nd cycle - 2 years)

Orange bulletSchool of Nursing 'Casa de Salud Valdecilla'

Black bulletDiploma in Nursing (3 years)

Orange bulletSchool of Technical Mining Engineering

Black bulletTechnical Mining Engineer, speciality in Mining Explotation (3 years)
Black bulletTechnical Mining Engineer, speciality in Minerallurgy and Metallurgy (3 years)
Black bulletDegree in Environmental Engineering Specific University Degree- (2nd cycle - 2 years)

Further information in:

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