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For those who wish to further their education and enter the world of research, the University of Cantabria has adapted its PhD studies to the European Space of Higher Education, carrying out a varied offer of Doctorate Programmes, elaborated in agreement with the regulations in the Royal Decree 139372007, which establishes the planning for official university teaching.

The Doctorate Programmes are made up of a period of education and a period of organised research.  Passing both of these periods will lead to receiving the PhD Degree.

The period of education will normally consist of passing the official studies in the corresponding Master’s Degree, whereas in the research period the student will proceed to write and defend his PhD Thesis.

Centres and Doctorate Programmes (RD 1393/2007)

Finding out moreOrange bulletSchool of Civil Engineering

Black bulletPhD in Science and Technology for Environmental Management of Hydro-Systems
Black bulletPhD in Science and Technology for Coastal Management
Black bulletPhD in Environmental Engineering
Black bulletPhD in Civil Engineering
Black bulletPhD in Construction Engineering

Orange bulletSchool of Industrial Engineers and Telecommunications

Black bulletPhD in Industrial Engineering
Black bulletPhD in Chemical Engineering and Processes
Black bulletPhD in Information Technology and Communication in Mobile Networks

Orange bulletFaculty of Science

Black bulletPhD in Science, Technology and Computing
Black bulletPhD in Mathematics and Computing Sciences
Black bulletPhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

Orange bulletFaculty of Economics and Business Studies

Black bulletPhD in Business Administration
Black bulletPhD in Economics: Instruments in Economic Analysis

Orange bulletFaculty of Law

Black bulletPhD in Law

Orange bulletFaculty of Philosopy and Arts

Black bulletPhD in Contemporary History
Black bulletPhD in Historical and Territorial Heritage
Black bulletPhD in Prehistory and Archaelogy

Orange bulletFaculty of Medicine

Black bulletPhD in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine
Black bulletPhD in Health Sciences

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