UC Degree applicants

Degree–seeking students having completed secondary education abroad

If you have foreign qualification equivalent to the Bachiller or to advanced vocational qualification, you can apply for admission, however the procedure is different depending on the country of origin:

Viñeta verdeStudents of the European Union, Switzerland, China, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein or students who have obtained a European or International Baccalaureate

These students do not need to officially validate their degree nor do they need to sit for the university examination entrance.  In this case, it is only necessary to check the requirements needed to apply to university established by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED): http://www.uned.es/



Viñeta verdeStudents coming from other countries must follow a two-part procedure: 

Black bulletObtain official approval of baccalaureate certificate or equivalent from the Spanish Ministry of Education.


Ministerio de Educación

Subdirección General de Títulos Convalidaciones y Homologaciones

Paseo del Prado, 28, 28014 Madrid

Tel. + 34 91 701 85 00
Fax + 34 91 506 56 98 / 57 06  


Black bulletRegister for the University examination. This examination, also known in Spain as “Selectividad” is administered by the Spanish Open University (UNED) and registration deadlines vary depending on country and examination dates


Sección de Selectividad de la UNED

C/ Senda del Rey 11, 28040 Madrid 

Tel. + 34 91 398 66 12 / 13 / 16
Fax + 34 91 398 66 79

E-mail: selectiv@adm.uned.es


For more information from outside Spain: 

Consejerías de Educación y Ciencia de las Embajadas de España  

Oficinas Consulares de las Embajadas de España 
For electronic information: infociencia@mec.es

Viñeta verdeOnce the legal requirements for university entrance are met, the students will have to pre-register at the University of Cantabria through the Servicio de Gestión Académica.

Servicio de Gestión Académica

Pabellón de Gobierno

Avda. de los Castros s/n. 39005 Santander

Tel. + 34 942 20 10 55

Fax + 34 942 20 09 84

E-mail: gestion.academica@unican.es

Web: /infoacademica  (Information available in Spanish)





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