UC Facts and Figures


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 Teaching Offer (Academic Year 2008-2009)
      11 University Institutions
      2 Appointed Centres 
      36 Official Degrees
          20 Ist Cycle Degree Qualifications
          13 Ist and 2nd Cycle Degree Qualifications
          3 2nd Cycle Degree Qualifications
      1 UC 2nd Cycle Degree Qualification
      12 Official Postgraduate Courses
          23 Official Master´s Degrees
          15 Official Doctoral Courses
      38 Doctoral Courses
      16 Quality Awards given to previous Doctorates by the Education Dept.
      77 UC Own Curricula Courses
          13 University and Inter-University Master´s Degrees
          13 Expert Courses
          19 Specialist Courses
          32 On-going Educational Courses

Annual Budget (2009)
      119 Million Euros

Students and Staff 
      10,393 1st and 2nd Cycle Degree Students
      1,941 3rd Cycle Degree Students (Academic Year 2007-2008, March)
          307 Students in Official Postgraduate Courses
          860 Doctorate Students
          774 Students in UC Courses
      1,194 Teaching Staff and Researchers
      13 Honorary Doctorates
      222 External Researchers Contracted through Projects (yearly average)
      575 Staff Members in Administration and Services (until 31-12-08)

Training in Companies (Academic Year 2008-2008)
      1,136 Work Agreements in Companies
      2,183 Grants for Work Experienced

      681 Work Offers

Research (2008)
      132 R+D+i Groups
      4 Units Associated to the Scientific Research Centre (CSIC)
      4 Research Institutions
22,9 Million Euros in Official Research Programmes (National Plan, EU and  other Programmes)
      15,1 Million Euros in Contracted Research (Companies, Spanish Government and other entities)

International Relations (Academic Year 2008-2008)

      235 Exchange Programmes with European Universities
      90 Exchange Programmes with Universities in South-America
      11 Exchange Programmes with American Universities
      1 Exchange Programme with an Australian University
      496 Students who went abroad or came from overseas on Erasmus Projects
      273 Students who went abroad or came from overseas on Bilateral Agreements
      28 Teaching Staff who went abroad on Erasmus or Bilateral Agreements
      54 Students who went abroad or came from overseas on the Séneca-SICUE Programme

Library (2008)
      9 UC Library Services
      2,150 Reading Posts
      416,541 Monographs and other Reading Material
      7,260 Periodicals
      11,265 On-line publicationscon
      15 Library Rooms available for Teamwork
      250 Computers (50 of which are laptops on loan)
      452 Databases and other available sources of information

 Language Courses (Academic Year 2008-2008)

      584 Overseas students on courses in Spanish Language and Culture 
      433 Students on regular courses in German, Chinese, French, English, Italian and Portuguese
      278 Students on intensive foreign language courses

University Guidance
      2,433 Participants in the Cicerone Programme
      1,543 Participants in the UC Open Day activitie
      250 Participants in the UC Open Day for parents
      610 Information Requests/Consultations

Sports Activities
      3,463 Registered in courses and leisure and recreational activities
      1,787 Students in University competitions
      128 Sportsmen and women in Spanish University championships
      184 Students in federate sports
      1,416 Users of the UC Sports Card
      100 Sportsmen and women who benefit from grants and other aids


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