Spanish Course Spanish Course

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Spanish Course

15. What is the CIUC?


CIUC (Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de Cantabria) means “University of Cantabria Language Centre” and it is the department that organises the Spanish courses. The Centre is on the lower first (-1) floor of the building housing the Economics and Law faculties. It is open to the public Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 13.30 and Monday to Thursday from 16:00 to 18:00.

16. Is the Spanish course compulsory?


No, but it is highly recommended because of its highly practical nature and content. Although it is possible to attend a Spanish course in the month of September, the CIUC offers courses at the start of each semester.

17. Do I have to pay to attend for the Spanish course?


The Spanish course does cost money, but those students coming to study at the UC via an exchange programme can get a discount if they go to the ORI to pick up the enrolment form for the Spanish course with the office stamp on it. Two different courses are offered (one of 40 hours and the other of 60), for which there are two different prices.

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