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Technological Development Centre
The creation of the Technological Development Centre has led to a growth in collaboration between the University and business in research, development and innovation.

Outstanding in research

Research is one of the most important features of the University of Cantabria. The projects carried out by its research groups cover the most varied aspects of Arts and Sciences in both basic and applied research. The University provides society with a wide range of scientific and technological research, which is guaranteed by the qualifications and international recognition of its investigators.

Several comparative studies analysing general and specific aspects of research in Spain rank the University of Cantabria among the most outstanding Spanish R&D&I institutions both for its productivity and its scientific quality.

The R&D groups maintain close and permanent links with companies, public administrations and institutions to collaborate in the development of varied projects and studies that require a high level of specialisation and competence.

Between 2003 and 2007 university departments executed 1,826 projects with financing that amounts to 98,4 million euros. Of these projects 1,403 were contracted projects. The collaboration with the industrial sector in R&D activities has crystallised in the Technological Development Centre of the University of Cantabria (CDTUC), a centre devoted to innovation where 14 firms and 12 research groups are currently working.

A Development Engine

The University of Cantabria's scientific activity maintains a balance between basic and applied research. The first type of activity is mainly financed through public funds (principally the National R&D Plan and the European Union Framework Programme). In the last five years, researchers at the University of Cantabria have executed 423 projects of this kind, with a budget amounting to over 36 million euros.

A development engine

In the same period, the R&D groups have carried out a further 1,403 projects contracted mainly with companies, but also with government bodies (both local and central) and other kinds of public and private entities. This kind of activity,more closely related to applied research and technological innovation, has overall financing amounting to 61,9 million euros. In conjunction with the business sector alone, 873 projects were carried out with a budget of over 37 million euros.

Budgets for projects

Further information in:

Information  Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI)
Pabellón de Gobierno
Telephone +34 942 201029 - 79
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Web: /WebUC/Unidades/Investigacion

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