1) On line Pre-registration and Learning Agreement
Exchange Students have already made an on-line pre-registration of the courses that are included in their Learning Agreement and which have been approved by the UC coordinators (visiting students must complete this specific Application Form and Learning Agreement instead of the on-line pre-registration).
2) Registration Period
Students are to collect at the ORI the Registration slip, which includes the courses that were selected and approved in their Learning Agreement. This slip is to be checked thoroughly, so that all the courses they would like to follow are properly listed.
3) Add and drop Period
Should any change in the registered course be needed, students may change their courses by filling the Registration Change Form, having it signed by the UC academic coordinator and handing it in the ORI during this period.
The dates of the Registration and the Add-and-Drop period are officially approved and are included in the academic calendar.
4) It is important to bear in mind the following:
Only the courses that appear in the Registration slip will be included in the Official Transcript of Records that will be sent to the sending institution at the end of the exchange period.
Any change in the LA is to be accompanied by a change in the Registration Change Form, otherwise, it will not have any official effect.
It is compulsory to register for a minimum of 18 credits for a semester and 36 for the whole academic year.