Medical Assistance | ![]() |
The Spanish National Health System covers medical assistance for all EU citizens and those coming from countries with a bilateral agreement with
Foreign students from countries not included in these agreements must take out a private insurance policy, as must those students who, for whatever reasons, are not covered by the National Health System of their country, despite being from a EU country. No student will be admitted without submitting written proof of medical insurance valid for the whole exchange period.
If students need to make use of this service during their stay, they should go to the nearest Doctor’s Surgery or Health Centre with their passport and the European Health Insurance Card or a copy of the E-128 form.
In case of need, these are the Health Centres and Surgeries in
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
Avda. Valdecilla, s/n. 39008 Main office: + 34 942 20 25 20
Emergencies: 061 (all around Cantabria)
A. Primary Medical Assistance:
Centro de Salud Castilla-Hermida
C/ Castilla, s/n. Santander.+34 942 22 96 95
Centro de Salud Cazoña
Avda. Torres Quevedo, s/n. Santander.+34 942 34 61 94
Centro de Salud Centro
C/ Isabel II, 17. Santander.+34 942 21 81 61
Centro de Salud Dávila
C/ General Dávila, 71. Santander.+34 942 22 87 70
Centro de Salud Los Castros
Avda. de Los Castros, 155. Santander.+34 942 37 05 05
Centro de Salud Puertochico
C/ Tetuán, 59. Santander.+34 942 27 00 72
Centro de Salud Sardinero
C/ Alcalde Vega Lamela, 6. Santander.+34 942 39 30 06
Centro de Salud Vargas
C/ Vargas, 57. Santander.+34 942 20 34 61
B. Hospitals
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
Avda. Valdecilla, s/n. 39008 SANTANDER.Main office: +34 942 20 25 20
Emergencies: 061 (all around Cantabria)
Hospital Comarcal de Sierrallana
Barrio de Ganzo, s/n. 39300 TORRELAVEGA.Main office: +34 942 84 74 00
Emergencies: +34 942 84 75 25
Hospital Comarcal de Laredo
Avda. de los Derechos Humanos s/n. 39770 LAREDO.Main office: +34 942 63 85 00
Emergencies: +34 942 63 85 10
Hospital de Campoo
Avda. de Castilla, 22. 39200 REINOSA.34 942 75 51 55