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International agreements

Free Communication

In an increasingly competitive and global environment knowledge of foreign languages is absolutely essential. In addition to courses included in degree study plans, the University of Cantabria offers through its Language Centre (CIUC), a wide range of courses designed to meet all kinds of needs: standard and intensive courses and conversation sessions in French, German, Italian and English; courses in Spanish language and culture for foreigners; and Chinese courses. The Ministry of Education and Science, in collaboration with the University of Cantabria, offers students the possibility of obtaining the Basic Diploma or the Initial Certificate in Spanish. In addition, the UC has initiated a programme of subjects in English, the Diploma in European Business and Economics, the aim of this English language teaching option being to promote student learning and training in an international setting.

Further information in:

  Centro de Idiomas
Telephone +34 942 201313
Fax +34 942 201316
Web: /ciuc

Open to the World

Teaching and research in the University of Cantabria involves a permanent programme of enrichment activities with an international dimension. In a constant effort to open frontiers, the University has signed 216 agreements with European Universities (Erasmus programme), 64 with LatinAmerican institutions, 8 with universities in the United States and 1 with an Australian university, sending and receiving more than 600 exchange students within this framework. The UC is a member of both national and international university networks such as the Group 9 of Universities and the Santander Group.

Further information in:

  Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales
Telephone +34 942 201038
Fax +34 942 201078
Web: /WebUC/Unidades/relinteng/

International students



Castro Urdiales and Laredo, two of the thirteen summer course centres.

Learn on Holidays

Those who wish to take advantage of the summer holidays in order to complete their education can find in the UC Summer Courses an extremely wide range of 115 monographic seminars, each lasting a week, and focusing on all kinds of subjects. These courses, with over 3,500 participating students, are held in the months from July to September. Laredo is the main centre, not only because of the number of seminars it organises but also on account of the variety of subjects offered. Suances and Reinosa specialise in environmental studies and historical heritage, respectively. Seminars are also given on a variety of subjects in Santander, Castro Urdiales, Cabezón de la Sal, Reocín, Torrelavega, Colindres, Aguilar de Campoo,Medio, Cudeyo, Santoña, Noja, Valderredible, Camargo and Ramales de la Victoria.

Further information in:

  Cursos de Verano
Telephone +34 942 201616
Fax +34 942 200975
Web: /WebUC/cverano




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