Principal Investigator:
Dr. Gabriel Moncalián, Associate Profesor
Other personnel:
- Beatriz Lázaro, predoctoral student
- Sandra Sagredo, predoctoral student
- Omar Santín, predoctoral student
- Laura Giner, visitanting scientist (Biomar)
Research lines:
- Optimization of conjugative relaxases for nanobiotechnological applications.
- Microbial production of added value triglycerides.
Services offered:
- Optimization of proteins with biotechnological, biomedical or industrial interest.
- Structural analysis of proteins by X-ray crystallography and in silico molecular threading.
- Aceites a la Carta: Bioingeniería de la síntesis de Monoesteres y Trigliceridos en microorganismos (BIO2010-14809)
- Fermentación de C5 Y C6 presentes en licores residuales de la cocción procedentes de la producción de celulosa al sulfito ácido (CEN-20091040)
- Validación del método de examen microbiológico en Bicarbonato Sódico según Farmacopea 2.6.12
Web pageweb:
Relevant publications (last 5 years)
- Villa, J.A.; Cabezas, M.; de la Cruz, F. and Moncalián, G. (2014). Use of limited proteolysis and mutagenesis to identify folding domains and sequence motifs critical for wax ester synthase/acyl coenzyme A:diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity. Appl Environ Microbiol. 80:1132-41
- Chandler,M., de la Cruz, F., Dyda, F., Hickman, A.B., Moncalian, G. and Ton-Hoang, B.(2013). Breaking and joining single-stranded DNA: the HUH endonuclease superfamily. Nature Reviews Microbiology. 11, 525-38.
- Francia, M.V., Clewell, D.B., de la Cruz, F. and Moncalián, G. (2013). The catalytic domain of plasmid pAD1 relaxase TraX defines a group of relaxases related to restriction endonucleases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 13606-11.
- Varsaki A, Lamb HK, Eleftheriadou O, Vandera E, Thompson P, Moncalián G, de la Cruz F, Hawkins AR, Drainas C. (2012). FEBS Lett. 586, 675-9.
- Ocampo-Sosa AA, Cabot G, Rodríguez C, Roman E, Tubau F, Macia MD, Moya B, Zamorano L, Suárez C, Peña C, Domínguez MA, Moncalián G, Oliver A and Martínez-Martínez L. (2012). Alterations of OprD in carbapenem-intermediate and - susceptible strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from patients with bacteremia in a Spanish multicenter study. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 56, 1703-13.
- Guynet C, Cuevas A, Moncalian G*, de la Cruz F* (2011). The stb operon balances the requirements for vegetative stability and conjugative transfer of plasmid R388. PLoS Genet. 7(5):e1002073.
- Williams GJ*, Williams RS*, Williams JS*, Moncalian G*, Arvai AS, Limbo O, Grant Guenther G, SilDas S, Hammel M, Russell P, Tainer JA (2011). ABC ATPase signature helices in Rad50 link nucleotide state to Mre11 interface for DNA repair. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 18, 423-31.
- Lucas M, González-Pérez B, Cabezas M, Moncalian G, Rivas G, de la Cruz F. (2010). Relaxase DNA Binding and Cleavage Are Two Distinguishable Steps in Conjugative DNA Processing That Involve Different Sequence Elements of the nic Site. J Biol Chem. 285, 8918-26.
- Mihajlovic S, Lang S, Sut MV, Strohmaier H, Gruber CJ, Koraimann G, Cabezón E, Moncalian G, de la Cruz F, Zechner EL. (2009) Plasmid r1 conjugative DNA processing is regulated at the coupling protein interface. J Bacteriol. 191, 6877-87.
- Varsaki A, Moncalian G, Garcillán-Barcia M P, Drainas C, de la Cruz F. (2009) Analysis of ColE1 MbeC unveils an extended ribbon-helix-helix family of nicking accessory proteins. J Bacteriol. 191, 1446-55.
- González-Pérez B, Carballeira JD, Moncalian G, de la Cruz F. (2009) Changing the recognition site of a conjugative relaxase by rational design. Biotechnol J. 4, 554-7.
- Moncalian G*, Williams RS*, Williams JS, Yamada Y, Limbo O, Shin DS, Groocock LM, Cahill D, Hitomi C, Guenther G, Moiani D, Carney JP, Russell P, Tainer, JA. (2008) Mre11-DNA Structures and Mutants Reveal Key Mre11 Roles in MRN Complex DNA End Synapsis and Nuclease Processing. Cell. 135, 97-109.
Dr. Gabriel Moncalián
Instituto de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Cantabria (IBBTEC)
PCTCAN, C/ Albert Einstein, 22. 39011 Santander
(+34) 942 201934