Arrival in Santander
1. What is the ORI?
2. When is the ORI open to the public?
3. When should I arrive in Santander?
4. Who will help me finding accommodation?
5. How do I find out the address of my accommodation?
6. Are there any rules that I should follow regards my accommodation?
7. If I do not like the flat found, can I change?
Subjects and Registration
8. Will I be given guidance in the ORI as to what subjects I should choose?
9. When should I register?
10. Where can I get the registration form?
11. Can the Learning Agreement be used as a registration form?
12. Where should I register for my courses?
13. Can I change the courses I have registered for?
14. Once I have completed my registration, do I have to go back to the ORI?
Spanish Course
15. What is the CIUC?
16. Is the Spanish course compulsory?
17. Do I have to pay to attend the Spanish course?
Orientation Programme
18. Should I attend the Orientation Programme?
19. How should I go about paying for the Orientation Programme excursions?
20. What is a UC mentor?
21. Are the times of the Orientation Programme activities going to coincide with that of my Spanish Course?
While at the University
22. Where can I find a computer room?
23. What is the TUI?
24. When will I get my TUI?
25. University Library's regulations
26. Is it necessary to open an e-mail account at the UC?
27. What do I have to do to be able to use my account?
28. How do I find out where the subjects I have registered for are to be held?
29. When and where are the exams?
30. Is it necessary to open a bank account?
31. Residence Card
End of your stay
32. Can I stay longer in Santander?
33. Do I have to do any paperwork in the ORI before I leave?
34. What is the Attendance Certificate?
35. Where should I go to get my Transcript of Records?
Arrival in Santander
1. What is the ORI?
ORI stands for International Relations Office and it is the reference point for all exchange students or visitors that come to the University of Cantabria. Its offices are on the first floor of the building for the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Law, directly above the bank offices.
2. When is the ORI open to the public?
The ORI is open from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. You should keep this fact in mind if you plan to arrive in Santander in the afternoon or at the weekend.
3. When should I arrive in Santander?
Although the official start of the academic year appears in the UC calendar, all students should attend the Welcome and Orientation sessions that are usually held a few days prior to this (you can find this information on our Web page). Some students usually come at the beginning of September to attend the Spanish courses.
4. Who will help me finding accommodation?
The ORI can help you finding you your first accommodation. If that is what you want, you should send us, sufficiently in advance, the accommodation reservation form that you will find on our Webpage. The fact these flats are private means that the ORI cannot be held be responsible for any discrepancy that may arise between the flat or apartment owners and the students.
The International Relations Office does not accept responsibility for finding accommodation during the summer months (July, August and 1-15 September).
There are other accommodation possibilities that must be booked directly by the student
5. How do I find out the address of my accommodation?
The ORI sends out to those students that have requested shared accommodation with other students an e-mail giving the address of the flat, the date from when it will be available and the personal details of the flat owner. Students should get in direct touch with the flat owner for whatever questions they may wish to ask.
6. Are there any rules that I should follow regards my accommodation?
The student is usually obliged to pay the flat owner a deposit (this is usually one month’s rent in advance) to cover two kinds of contingencies: either the student leaves the flat before the period of time established in the contract expires, or because there have been damages or breakages in the flat. In these cases the flat owner is within his rights to refuse to return the deposit and the ORI cannot force him to do so under any circumstances. It is extremely important that, prior to the signing of the lease, the student be quite clear in his/her decision to stay in the said flat for the stipulated period of time. It should be remembered that the rent does not usually cover utility costs (gas, electricity, water, telephone etc.)
7. If I do not like the flat found, can I change?
Yes, but we always give priority to those students who are looking for a flat for the first time. Only if there are flats still available once the above condition has been met, we can help you. Anyway, the ORI does not generally undertake to find other flats after that moment because the number of flats is limited. If you decide to look for a flat by yourself, please do not forget to give us the new address so that we can get in touch with you if need be.
Subjects and Registration
8. Will I be given guidance in the ORI as to what subjects I should choose?
To be given academic guidance you should get in touch with your International Relations coordinator. When you arrive you will be given an information table with details on how to contact your coordinator.
9. When should I register?
There is a timetable for registration, which must be respected by students, based on the first letter of their family name or the study programme to which they belong. This timetable will be given to students when they arrive in Santander. Even so, the registration will not begin until the Welcome and Orientation Sessions have finished. It is possible to go to classes for some days before registering.
10. Where can I get the registration form?
The form will be given to students only by the ORI staff.
11. Can the Learning Agreement be used as a registration form?
Those students who have to use a Learning Agreement because it is a requirement of the exchange programme that they belong to, may easily confuse the two forms due to their similarity in appearance. However, the registration form does not require the coordinator’s signature, whereas the Learning Agreement does. Each of these forms is for a different purpose.
12. Where should I register for my courses?
In the ORI, within the periods stipulated on the registration timetable. Make sure about the number of ECTS credits that each subject gives, since this figure does not always coincide with that of the UC credits. Only our ECTS Guide (on our Webpage) will provide you with reliable information on the number of ECTS credits.
13. Can I change the courses I have registered for?
Yes, during the period for change of subject that appears on the registration. It is necessary to fill out a specific form if you wish to do so.
14. Once I have completed my registration, do I have to go back to the ORI?
Yes, you must go back to pick up your registration receipt and your student accreditation. The registration receipt is necessary for you to be able to check which courses you have registered for (registration code and subject) and to detect any possible problems in the registration; the student accreditation is a document which you will need whenever you need to prove that you are an exchange student at the University of Cantabria.
Spanish Course
15. What is the CIUC?
CIUC (Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de Cantabria) means “University of Cantabria Language Centre” and it is the department that organises the Spanish courses. The Centre is on the lower first (-1) floor of the building housing the Economics and Law faculties. It is open to the public Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 13.30 and Monday to Thursday from 16:00 to 18:00.
16. Is the Spanish course compulsory?
No, but it is highly recommended because of its highly practical nature and content. Although it is possible to attend a Spanish course in the month of September, the CIUC offers courses at the start of each semester.
17. Do I have to pay to attend for the Spanish course?
The Spanish course does cost money. This price varies depending on the amount of hours chosen (there are courses of 40 and of 60 hours). In order to enroll it is necessary to: fill in an application form 'boletín de inscripción' (there is a form for courses starting in september and another one for courses starting in october or february), to make a bank transfer to the account indicated and to send the required documents listed on the form to the CIUC at least one week prior to the beguinning of the corresponding course.
Orientation Programme
18. Should I attend the Orientation Programme?
The Orientation Programme includes two types of activities: some are free and open to all students, and others are only available to you if you have previously paid the fee and handed in the corresponding enrolment form for the activity. The activities that are free are: Welcome Session, Introducing you to your Mentors, University Tour, Apéritif and Conferences. Those activities for which you have to pay are the excursions to different parts of Santander and Cantabria. We here at the ORI feel that these activities are a wonderful opportunity for all the students and the mentors to get to know one another.
19. How should I go about paying for the Orientation Programme excursions?
The fee for these activities is made in one single payment. Bear in mind that the amount to pay will not change no matter how many excursions you actually go on in the end. Also, once you have made your payment, no refunds will be given. You should not pay before you have actually arrived at the UC because, in order to carry out this step properly, you need first to go to the ORI to pick up the corresponding form. The right to enjoy to the Orientation Programme paying activities is personal and cannot be passed to anyone else.
20. What is a UC mentor?
A mentor is a Spanish student who has already been on an exchange that we will introduce to you at the Welcome Session so that he/she can accompany you on the University Tour and all the other Welcome and Orientation Session activities and who will help you to communicate in Spanish for anything you need to do related with your arrival at the UC.
21. Are the times of the Orientation Programme activities going to coincide with that of my Spanish Course?
No, the activities are organised in such a way that they are compatible with your Spanish Course.
While at the University
22. Where can I find a computer room?
The University Information Systems Department provides each faculty with a computer room that you may use only if you have the TUI. Off Campus, the UC also has another building, the University Main Hall, where it is also possible to use the computer service as long as you show your TUI card. If you still do not have your TUI card, you may use the ORI computers provisionally if you put your name down on the reservation list.
23. What is the TUI?
TUI stands for “Tarjeta Universitaria Inteligente” (University Student Card). It is a card that identifies you as a member of the university community and contains a chip that makes it possible to carry out a number of important functions: applying for an e-mail account, checking your grades, use of computers, access to certain areas...etc. The card can also be used to take out library books or to get discounts in certain shops.
24. When will I get my TUI?
As long as you have sent the ORI all the papers that we have asked you for in order to formally give you a place at the UC early enough (at least one month before your arrival here), you will be able to pick your TUI card up in the ORI. Remember that the later you submit your papers, the longer you will have to wait to get your card.
25. University Library's regulations
Exchange students are to comply with the same regulations as UC students. The University Library provides a range of information services and document access not only at the headquarters, located in the Edificio Interfacultativo, but also at any of its delegations spread across the Campus. As a student, you are expected to behave properly (for instance: books must be looked after, food and beverage are not allowed, mobiles must be switched off and it is forbidden to speak loudly or reserve seats…). In order to borrow books, it is essential to have the TUI. Books not returned in due course will involve a penalty. It must be taken into account that the ORI will not issue any certificate to a student should any book be not returned to the library.
26. Is it necessary to open an e-mail account at the UC?