Cost of Living Cost of Living

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Cost of Living

The following estimates have been made as a point of reference. Hence, the following information should only be used as a guideline.

Some examples:  

Orange bulletMonthly Budget:

Black bulletAccommodation + utilities .............................. 300 €
Black bulletMaintenance costs ......................................... 230 €
Black bulletTransport ....................................................... 25 €
Black bulletSchool equipment ........................................... 40 €
Black bulletExtra expenses ............................................... 100 €
Black bulletTotal (monthly average) ................................ 695 €

Orange bulletOther examples:

Black bullet1 loaf of bread .......................................... 0.75 €
Black bullet1 litre of milk ............................................ 0.95 €
Black bullet1.5 litre of mineral water ............................ 0.50 €
Black bullet1 coffee at the university ............................ 0.80 €
Black bullet1 haircut ................................................... 25.00 €

Black bullet1 newspaper ............................................. 1.00 €
Black bullet1 book ..................................................... 25.00 €
Black bullet1 cinema ticket .......................................... 7.00 €
Black bullet1 photocopy  ............................................. 0.05 €
Black bullet1 city bus ticket ......................................... 1.10 €



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