Biology of Bacterial Type IV Secretion Systems

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viñetaPrincipal Investigator:

Dr. Matxalen Llosa, Associate Professor


viñetaOther personnel:

viñetaWeb page: 


viñetaResearch lines:

viñetaSite-specific recombination and integration catalyzed by conjugative relaxases

viñetaSubstrate Recruitment by Type IV Secretion systems

viñetaMolecular analysis of conjugative systems

viñetaUse of bacterial secretion systems to develop tools for the genomic modification of mammalian cells



viñetaMICINN Explora BIO2010-11623, “Modificación genética de mitocondrias de mamífero mediante sistemas de secreción bacterianos


viñeta MICINN BIO2008-00133, “Desarrollo de herramientas de modificación genética de células de mamífero basadas en sistemas de secreción tipo IV bacterianos


viñetaRelevant publications (last 10 years)

viñeta Alperi A, Larrea D, Fernández-González E, Dehio C, Zechner EL, Llosa M* (2013). “A translocation motif in relaxase TrwC specifically affects recruitment by its conjugative Type IV Secretion System”. J Bacteriol, in press.

viñeta Larrea D, de Paz HD, Arechaga I, de la Cruz F, Llosa M* (2013). “Structural independence of conjugative coupling protein TrwB from its Type IV secretion machinery”. Plasmid 70(1):146-53.

viñeta González-Prieto C, Agúndez L, Linden RM, Llosa M* (2013). “HUH site-specific recombinases for targeted modification of the human genome”. Trends Biotechnol 31(5):305-12.

viñetaLlosa M, Schröder G, Dehio C (2012). "New perspectives into bacterial DNA transfer to human cells. Trends in Microbiology 20(8):355-359.

viñetaAgúndez L, González-Prieto C, Machón C, Llosa M (2012). Site-Specific Integration of Foreign DNA into Minimal Bacterial and Human Target Sequences Mediated by a Conjugative Relaxase". PLoS ONE 7(1):e31047

viñetaFernández-González E, de Paz HD, Alperi A, Agúndez L, Faustmann M, Sangari FJ, Dehio C, Llosa M (2011). “Transfer of R388 derivatives by a pathogenesis-associated type IV secretion system into both bacteria and human cells”. J Bacteriol 193 (22), 6257–6265

viñetaAgúndez L, Machón C, César CE, Rosa-Garrido M, Delgado MD, Llosa M (2011). Nuclear targeting of a bacterial integrase which mediates site-specific recombination between bacterial and human target sequences”. Appl Env Microbiol 77(1): 201-210

viñetade Paz HD, Larrea D, Zunzunegui S, Dehio C, de la Cruz F, Llosa M (2010). "Functional dissection of the conjugative coupling protein TrwB". J Bacteriol 192(11), 2655-2669.

viñetaLlosa M, Roy C, Dehio C (2009). Bacterial Type IV secretion systems in human disease. Mol. Microbiol. 73(2):141-151.

viñetaCésar CE, Llosa M (2007). TrwC-mediated site-specific recombination is controlled by host factors altering local DNA topology. J. Bacteriol. 189(24):9037-9043.

viñetaCésar CE, Machón C, de la Cruz F, Llosa M (2006). A new domain of conjugative relaxase TrwC responsible for efficient oriT-specific recombination on minimal target sequences. Mol. Microbiol. 62(4):984-996.

viñetaDraper O, César CE, Machón C, de la Cruz F, Llosa M (2005). Site-specific recombinase and integrase activities of a conjugative relaxase in the recipient cell. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:16385-16390.

viñetade Paz HD, Sangari FJ, Bolland S, García-Lobo JM, Dehio C, de la Cruz F, Llosa M (2005). Functional interactions between Type IV secretion systems involved in DNA transfer and virulence. Microbiology 151:3505-3516.

viñetaLlosa M, de la Cruz F (2005). Bacterial conjugation: a potential tool for genomic engineering. Res. Microbiol. 156:1-6.

viñetaLlosa M, O´Callaghan D (2004) Euroconference on the Biology of Type IV Secretion Processes: Bacterial gates into the outer world. Mol. Microbiol. 53:1-8.

viñetaLlosa M, Zunzunegui S, de la Cruz F (2003). Conjugative coupling proteins interact with cognate and heterologous VirB10-like proteins while exhibiting specificity for cognate relaxosomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:10460-10464.

viñetaLlosa M, Gomis-Rüth X, Coll M, de la Cruz F (2002). Bacterial conjugation. A two-step model for DNA transport. Mol. Microbiol. 45:1-8.



Dr. Matxalen Llosa

Phone: (+34) 942 201957 / Fax : (+34) 942 266399


Mailing address: IBBTEC. C/ Albert Einstein 22, PCTCAN, 39011 Santander