Admissions procedure Admissions procedure

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Students coming from another university or country who are interested in pursuing studies at the University of Cantabria can apply for admission with the aim of spending either a study period that is recognised academically by their university of origin, or of obtaining an official 1st or 2nd cycle, postgraduate or doctorate qualification. The admissions procedure is different for each of these two categories.

Non-degree students: exchange and visiting students

Orange bulletExchange students

Exchange students are those students from other universities who come to the University of Cantabria to spend a study period within the framework of exchange programmes (ERASMUS, etc) and bilateral agreements with foreign universities. These students are exempt from enrolment fees at the University of Cantabria. Admissions procedure is carried out at the International Relations Office.

Documents to be produced depending on programme:


Documents required:
     Black bulletOnline application form print-out after having been sent by computer to the ORI.
     Black bulletLearning Agreement duly signed by the home university co-ordinators.
     Black bulletDocument certifying status as a SOCRATES-ERASMUS student.
     Black bulletPhotocopy of passport or identity card clearly showing passport number and photograph.
     Black bulletEuropean Health Card, Form E-111/E128 or else private medical and accident insurance valid for the whole exchange period.
     Black bullet2 original passport or ID photographs on a white background.

Application Deadline: 30th June (whole academic year and first semester) and 30th November (second semester).


Documents required:
     Black bulletOnline application form print-out after having been sent by computer to the ORI.
     Black bulletDocument issued by university of origin certifying exchange student status.
     Black bulletCertificate showing subjects studied to date with corresponding marks or grades.
     Black bulletLearning Agreement duly signed by the home university co-ordinators.
     Black bulletPassport with student visa (for more than 90 days) valid for the whole stay at the UC.
     Black bulletPrivate medical and accident insurance valid for the whole exchange period.
     Black bulletPhotocopy of passport clearly showing passport number and photograph.
     Black bulletOriginal certificate issued by home university or bank stating that you have financial means equivalent to the minimum wage (€ 540,90 a month) because you are a grant holder, or because your parents are going to send you the aforementioned amount on a regular basis, etc. This document must be drawn up in Spanish.
     Black bullet2 original passport or ID photographs on a white background.

Application Deadline: 30th June (whole academic year and first semester) and 30th November (second semester).


Orange bulletVisiting students

Visiting students are those students from a university institution of comparable level to a Spanish university with no bilateral agreement with the UC, who are spending a study period of not longer than one academic year and who must pay the fees corresponding to the credits they enrol for.


Documents required:
     Black bulletApplication form (available on the ORI website).
     Black bulletCertificate showing what you are studying plus a complete and up-to-date academic record.
     Black bulletStudent’s curriculum vitae.
     Black bulletLearning Agreement duly signed by the home university .
     Black bulletPhotocopy of passport or identity card clearly showing number and photograph.
     Black bulletAny of the following documents: European Health Card, Form E-111/E128 or else private medical and accident insurance valid for the whole exchange period.
     Black bulletOriginal certificate in Spanish issued by home university stating that you have financial means equivalent to the minimum wage (€ 540,90 a month) because you receive income of some sort, or because your parents are going to send you the aforementioned amount on a regular basis, etc.
     Black bulletTwo letters from lecturers at your home institution endorsing your application.
     Black bullet2 original passport or ID photographs on a white background.

Only for students not from the European Union:

     Black bulletIn addition to the preceding requirements, you must hold a passport with student visa (for a stay of longer than 90 days) valid for the whole period spent at the UC.

Application Deadline: 1st June (whole academic year and first semester) and 1st December (second semester).

Document templates are to be found at the ORI Web site.

Further information in:

  Exchange and Visiting Students’ Admissions
International Relations Office
Edificio de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Avda. de los Castros, s/n. 39005 Santander
Telephone +34 942 201052
Fax +34 942 201078
Web: /WebUC/Unidades/relint/impresos





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