Language requirements
It is compulsory to give proof of sufficient knowledge of the Spanish Language by means of an exam. The student's admission is subject to acceptance of this accreditation.
Parts One and Two
Official registration at University takes place during the month of September in the Administration Office of the Faculty in which the courses are taught, although students registering for the first time must previously apply for pre-registration, depending on when they passed the entrance exam.
For registration purposes, it is necessary to fulfil the requirements demanded by the existing regulations of The University of Cantabria. The required forms can be obtained from the corresponding Faculty, along with the instructions needed to complete them and information on the courses offered.
Registration fees depend on the number of courses and whether the student registers for a complete academic year or for isolated courses and on the number of times the student has registered for the same course.
Doctorate Programmes and Master Courses
The University of Cantabria offers Doctorate Courses in almost all of its Departments, and a series of Master Courses published every year in the Guide to Doctorate Courses and Postgraduate Degrees.
Access to any Doctorate Programmes and Master Programmes is open to any graduate who has been admitted by the corresponding Department.
Negociado de Tercer Ciclo
Pabellón de Gobierno
Avda. de Los Castros s/n
39005 Santander (Cantabria)
Tel: 00 (34) 942 201109 / Fax: 00 (34) 942 201103
Students in the Framework of European Programmes and Agreements
In order to undertake studies in Cantabria within the framework of the exchange programmes or bilateral agreements, the following documentation must be sent to the International Relations Office
- Application Form
- Learning Agreement Form
- 2 Photographs
- Photocopy of Valid Identity Card or Passport
- Photocopy of the European Health Insurance Card (or E-111/128 Form -Social Security-) or of a Private Insurance.
- Certificate of Erasmus/Exchange Student Status
The universities that have signed bilateral agreements will receive the application form and the package containing general information on the University of Cantabria and its course offer. To assist in the selection of courses, there are ECTS information available catalogues including all the courses on offer at the university ( The ECTS co-ordinators are also willing to help students in the design of their course curricula.
Formal registration of exchange students will be made at the International Relations Office after submitting the above-mentioned documents and the registration form. Registration period lasts until October 31 for the first term and March 15 for the second term. It is compulsory to register for at least one course in each semester.
After registering, the students will be given the University Student Card, allowing them to enjoy the same rights as the rest of the home students. This card offers several services on and off campus by means of the computers located at different faculties and schools. Some of these services are library book loan, e-mail connections and free Internet access among others.
At the end of their stay, The University of Cantabria will issue an official ECTS certificate to the students, attesting their stay at the university as an exchange students and including the marks obtained, both in the local system and its equivalent in the ECTS system. This certificate will be issued in duplicate and one of the originals will be sent to the home university and the other to the student's home address, the first fortnight in August.
Visiting Students
Students who wish to obtain a degree from the University of Cantabria will not be admitted under this procedure, since for this purpose, they must enter through the system legally established for the access of foreign students. To be admitted as a "Visiting student", the student must be registered at a higher education institution similar to the Spanish universities.
Students can register for a maximum of 60 ECTS credits, as is the case for all other exchange students. The minimum period of stay for which they will be admitted is one semester and the maximum two semesters.
Students can freely choose the courses they wish to take according to their interests, credit limits and the course offer.
The deadline for receiving the application is June 1st for the first term and November 1st for the second term and the following documents must be enclosed:
Application Form duly completed.
Transcript of Records of courses studied.
Two letters from lecturers of the student's university endorsing his application.
Courses the student wishes to take at The University of Cantabria.
Envisaged duration of the stay in The University of Cantabria.
Students will be notified during the month of June whether they have been admitted to the University and, upon arrival , will pay the same fees as local students. The price to pay for registration and all other rights will be the same as that established for the regular students. As well as the registration fee, the student is required to pay for the student card and the student insurance (the latter only in the case of under 28 year old).