1.-J. L. Ojeda & J. M. HURLE Cell death during the formation of the tubular heart of the chick embryo. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l975) 33: 523-534.
2.- J. M. HURLE & J. L. Ojeda Cardiac jelly arrangement during the formation of the tubular heart of the chick embryo. Acta Anatomica. (l977) 98: 444-455.
3.-J. M. HURLE, M. Lafarga & J. L. Ojeda Cytological and cytochemical studies of the necrotic area of the bulbus of the chick embryo heart: Phagocytosis by developing myocardial cells. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l977) 41: 161-173.
4.-J. M. HURLE & J. R. Hinchliffe Cell death in the posterior necrotic zone ( PNZ ) of the chick wing-bud. A stereoscan and ultrastructural survey of autolysis and cell fragmentation. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. ( Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l978) 43: 123-136.
5.-J. A. Garcia-Porrero, J. L. Ojeda & J. M. HURLE Cell death during the postnatal morphogenesis of the normal rabbit kidney and in experimental renal polycystosis. Journal of Anatomy (l978) 126: 303-318.
6.-J. M. HURLE, M. Lafarga & J. L. Ojeda In vivo phagocytosis by developing myocardial cells. An ultrastructural study. Journal of Cell Science ( l978 ) 33: 363-370.
7.-J. M. HURLE & M. Lafarga Cytokinesis in developing cardiac muscle cells. An ultrastructural study in the chick embryo. Biolgy of the Cell (l978) 33: 145-148.
8.-J. M. HURLE & J. L. Ojeda Cell death during the development of the truncus and conus of the chick embryo heart. Journal of Anatomy (l979). 129: 427-439.
9.-J. M. HURLE Scanning and light microscope studies of the development of the chick embryo semilunar heart valves. Anatomy & Embryology. (l979) 157: 69-80.
10.-J. L. Ojeda, J. A. Garcia-Porrero & J. M. HURLE Experimental formation of podocytes in the parietal layer of the Bowman?s capsule. Experientia (l979) 35: 1558-1560.
11.-J. M. HURLE, J. Icardo & J. L. Ojeda Compositional and structural heterogenicity of the cardiac jelly of the chick embryo tubular heart. A TEM , SEM and histochemical study. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMEN) (l980) 56: 211-223.
12.-J. L. Ojeda & J. M. HURLE The establishment of the tubular heart. Role of cell death. in: " Mechanisms of cardiac morphogenesis and Teratogenesis" ( T.Pexieder ed.) pp. 101-113. Raven Press. New York. ( l980 ).
13.-J. M. HURLE, A. Blanco & E. Colvee Development of the mouse semilunar valves. Anatomy & Embryology ( l980) 160: 133-141.
14.-J. M. HURLE & E. Colvee Maturation of the extracellular material of the semilunar heart valves in the mouse. A histochemical analysis of collagen and mucopolysaccharides. Anatomy & Embryology ( l981 ) 162: 343-352.
15.-J. M. HURLE, M. Lafarga & J. R. Hinchliffe The surface coat of embryonic limb mesenchymal cells during morphogenetic cell death. An ultrastructural study of chick interdigital necrotic zones (INZ) using ruthenium red and concanavalin A. Experimental Cell Research ( l981) 133: 465-470.
16.-J. Icardo, J. L. Ojeda & J. M. HURLE Endocardial cell polarity during the looping of the heart in the chick embryo. Developmental Biology ( l982) 90: 203-209.
17.-J. M. HURLE & E. Colvee Surface changes in the embryonic interdigital epithelium during the formation of the freedigits: A comparative study in the chick and duck foot. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l982) 69:251-263.
18.-M. A. Fernandez-Teran & J. M. HURLE Myocardial fiber architecture of the human heart ventricles. Anatomical Record ( l982 ) 204: 137-147.
19.-J. M. HURLE & E. Colvee Changes in the endothelial cell morphology of the developing semilunar heart valves.A TEM and SEM study in the chick. Anatomy & Embryol. ( l983 ) 163: 67-83
20.-E. Colvee & J. M. HURLE Malformations of the semilunar valves produced in chick embryos by mechanical interference with cardiogenesis. An experimental approach to the role of hemodynamics in valvular development. Anatomy & Embryology ( l983 ) 168: 59-71.
21.-J. M. Icardo, J. L. Ojeda & J. M. HURLE A quantitative study of the position of the Golgi apparatus in the developing chick myocardium. Effects of colchicine administration. Acta Anatomica (l983) 117: 152-164.
22.-J. M. HURLE & M. A. Fernandez-Teran Fine structure of the regressing interdigital membranes during the formation of the digits of the chick embryo leg bud. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l983) 78: 195-209.
23.-J. M. HURLE & M. A. Fernandez-Teran. Fine structure of the interdigital membrane during the morphogenesis of the digits of the webbed foot of the duck embryo. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) ( l984 ) 79: 201-210.
24.-M. A. Fernandez-Teran & J. M. HURLE Syndactyly induced by Janus Green B in the embryonic chick leg bud: A reexamination. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l984) 84: 159-175.
25.-J. M. HURLE, E. Colvee & M. A. Fernandez-Teran Vascular regression during the formation of the free digits in the avian limb bud: A comparative study in chick and duck embryos. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l985) 85: 239-250.
26.-J. M. HURLE, E. Colvee & M. A. Fernandez-Teran The surface anatomy of the human aortic valve as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Anatomy & Embryology (l985) 172: 61-67.
27.-J. M. HURLE, M. A. Fernandez-Teran & E. Colvee Regression of the interdigital tissue during the formation of the digits. Acta Histochemica ( l986 ) 32s: 165-169.
28.-J. M. HURLE & E. Colvee Cell shape and cytoskeletal organization of the endothelial cells of the semilunar heart valves in the developing chick. Anatomy & Embryology (l986) 174: 83-89.
29.-J. M. HURLE & Y. Ganan Interdigital tissue chondrogenesis induced by surgical removal of the ectoderm in the embryonic chick leg bud. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. (Nombre actual:DEVELOPMENT) (l986) 94: 231-244.
30.-J. M. HURLE, V. Garcia-Martinez & D. Sanchez-Quintana Morphologic characteristics and structure of surface excrescences (Lambl?s excrescences) in the normal aortic valve. American Journal of Cardiology (l986) 58: 1223-1227.
31.-D. Macias, D. Sanchez-Quintana & J. M. HURLE Arquitectura del miocardio ventricular en la zona de unión ventriculoarterial. Bases anatomicas del posible papel del miocardio en la dinamica de las valvulas semilunares. Revista Espa?la de Cardiologia (l986) 39: 441-445.
32.-J. M. HURLE & Y. Ganan Formation of extra-digits induced by surgical removal of the apical ectodermal ridge of the chick embryo leg bud in the stages previous to the onset of interdigital cell death. Anatomy & Embryology (l987)176: 393-399.
33.-D. Sanchez-Quintana & J. M. HURLE Ventricular myocardial architecture in marine fishes. Anatomical Record (l987) 217:263-273
34.-V. Garcia-Martinez, E. Colvee & J. M. HURLE Effects of colchicine administration on the endothelial cells of the developing semilunar heart valves of the chick embryo. Cell and Tissue Research ( l987 ) 250: 595-598.
35.-J. M. HURLE, V. Garcia-Martinez, Y. Ganan, V. Climent & M. Blasco The morphorphogenesis of the prehensile autopodium of the developing common chameleon ( Chamaeleo chamaeleo ). Journal of Morphology ( l987 ) 194: 187-194.
36.-J. M. HURLE & V. Climent The regression of the interdigital tissue in rallidae avian embryos ( Fulika atra and Gallinula chloropus ). Arch. Biol. (Bruxelles)( l987 ) 98: 299-316.
37.-J. M. HURLE Cell death in developing systems. In: "Methods and Achievements in Experimental Pathology. vol. XIII".pp 55-86 (G.Jasmin ed.) Karger Press. New York. ( 1988 )
38.-J. M. HURLE, M. A. Ros & J. R. Hinchliffe Spatial and temporal changes in the pattern of glycosylation of the developing chick limb bud tissue components as revealed by fluorescent-conjugated lectin probes. Cell Differentiation (Nombre actual: Mechanisms of Development)(1988) 24: 149-158
39.-HURLE J. M., Gañan Y. & Macias D. Experimental analysis of the in vivo chondrogenic potential of the interdigital mesenchyme of the chick leg bud subjected to local ectodermal removal. Developmental Biology (1989) 132: 368-374
40.-HURLE J.M., Hinchliffe J. R., Ros. M. A., Critchlow M. A. & Genis-Galvez J. M. The extracellular matrix architecture relating to myotendinous pattern formation in the distal part of the developing chick limb: an ultrastructural, histochemical and immunocytochemical analysis. Cell Differentiation & Development (Nombre actual: Mechanisms of Development) (1989) 27: 103-120.
41.-HURLE J M, Garcia-Martinez V. & Ros M. A. Immunofluorescent localization of tenascin during the morphogenesis of the outflow tract of the chick embryo heart. Anatomy & Embryology (1990) 181:149-155
42.-Garcia-Martinez V., Sanchez-Quintana D., & J M HURLE Histogenesis of the semilunar valves: an immunohistochemical analysis of tenascin and type-I collagen distribution in developing chick heart valves. Cell & Tissue Research (1990) 259: 299-304
43.-HURLE J M Ros M. A., Ganan, Y., Macias, D., Critchlow, M., Hinchliffe R. Experimental analysis of the role of ECM in the patterning of the distal tendons of the developing limb bud. Cell Differentiation & Development (Nombre actual: Mechanisms of Development) (1990) 30: 97-108
44.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Garcia-Martinez, V., Macias D., & HURLE, J. M. Structural arrangement of the extracellular matrix network during myocardial development in the chick embryo heart. Anatomy & Embryology (1991)184: 451-460
45.-Garcia-Martinez, V., Sanchez-Quintana, D. & HURLE, J. M. Histochemical and ultrastructural changes in the extracellular matrix of the develping chick semilunar heart valves. Acta Anatomica (1991)142: 87-96
46.-Hinchliffe, J. R., HURLE, J. M. & Summerbell D. Developmental Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb Nato ASI series A, Life Science. vol. 205.(446pp). (1991) Plenum Press. New York
47.-J. M. HURLE, D. Macias, Y. Ganan, M. A. Ros, & M. A. Fernandez-Teran The interdigital spaces of the chick leg bud as a model for analysing limb morphogenesis and cell differentiation In: Developmental Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb. Nato Asi Series A, Life Sciences vol. 205 (eds. Hinchliffe J. R., Hurle, J. M. & Summerbell, D.) pp. 249-260 Plenum Press. N. Y. ( 1991 ).
48.-M. A.Ros., J. R. Hinchliffe D. Macias J. M. HURLE & M. Critchlow Extracellular material organization and long tendon formation in the chick leg autopopdium. In vivo and in vitro study. In: Developmental Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb. Nato Asi Series A, Life Sciences vol. 205 (eds. Hinchliffe J. R., Hurle, J. M. & Summerbell, D.) pp. 211-214 Plenum Press. N. Y. ( 1991 ).
49.-Macias D., Ganan, Y. & HURLE J. M. Interdigital chondrogenesis and extradigit formation in the duck leg bud subjected to local ectoderm removal. Anatomy & Embryology (1992 )186: 27-32
50.-Macias D., Ganan, Y. & HURLE J. M. Modification of the phalangeal pattern of the digits in the chick embryo leg bud by local microinjection of RA, stautosporin and TGFβs. Anatomy & Embryology (1993 )188, 201-208
51. Garcia-Martinez, V., Macias, D., Ganan, Y., Garcia-Lobo, J.M., Francia, M.V., Fernandez-Teran & HURLE J.M. Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and programmed cell death (apoptosis) in the interdigital tissue of the embryonic chick leg bud. J Cell Science (1993) 106, 201-208.
52.-Ganan, Y. Macias, D., Garcia-Martinez, V. HURLE J. M. ( 1993 ). In vivo experimental induction of interdigital tissue chondrogenesis in the avian limb bud results in the formation of extradigits. Effects of local microinjection of staurosporine, Zinc chloride and growth factors. Limb Development and Regeneration part. A. (J. F. Fallon, P. F. Goetinck, R. O. Kelley and D. L. Stocum eds.) pp. 127-139. Wiley-Liss Inc. New York. ( 1993 )
53.-Macias, D., Ganan, Y. y HURLE, J. M. . Establecimiento del patron digital durante el desarrollo de las extremidades del embrion de pollo. En: Progresos en Biologia Celular (J. Becerra, J. M. Perez-Figares, y P. Fernandez-Llebrez eds.) pp. 275-279. Universidad de Malaga. Malaga. (1993)
54.-Nistal, J. F., Garcia-Martinez, V., Fernandez, M. D., Hurle, A., HURLE J. M. and Revuelta, J. M. Age-dependent dystrophic calcification of the aortic valve leaflets in normal subjects. Journal of Heart Valve Disease (1994),3, 37-40.
55.-Ganan, Y., Macias, D. HURLE J. M. Pattern regulation in the chick autopodium at advanced stages of embryonic development. Developmental Dynamics (1994). 199:64-72.
56.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Climent, V., Garcia-Martinez, V., Rojo, M. HURLE JM Spatial arrangement of the heart muscle fascicles and intramyocardial connective tissue in the Spanish fighting bull ( Bos taurus). Journal of Anatomy (1994) 184: 273-283
57.-HURLE, J. M., G. T. Kitten, L. Y. Sakai, D. Volpin, and M. Solursh The elastic extracellular matrix of the embryonic chick heart: An immunohistological study using laser confocal microscopy. Developmental Dynamics. (1994) 200: 321-332
58.-HURLE, J. M., Corson, G., Daniels, K., Reiter, R. S. Sakai, L. Y. and M. Solursh Elastin exhibits a distinctive temporal and spatial pattern of distribution in the developing chick limb in association with the establishment of the cartilaginous skeleton. J. Cell Science (1994)107: 2623-2634
59.-Ros M.A., Macias, D., Fallon, J. F. and HURLE, J. M. Formation of extra digits in the interdigital spaces of the chick leg bud is not preceded by changes in the expression of the Msx and Hoxd genes. Anat Embryol.(1994) 190: 375-382.
60.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Climent, V., Garcia-Martinez, V. and HURLE, J. M. Extracellular matrix arrangement in the papillary muscles of the adult rat heart. Alterations after doxorubicin administration and experimental hypertension Basic Research in Cardiology (1994) 89 : 279-292.
61.-Ros, M. A., Rivero, F.B., Hinchliffe, J. R., HURLE, J. M. Immunohistological and ultrastructural study of the developing tendons of the avian foot. Anatomy & Embryology (1995) 192: 483-496.
62.-HURLE, J. M., Ros, M. A., Garcia-Martinez, V., Macias, D. & Ga?n, Y. Cel death in the embryonic developing limb. Scanning Microscopy (1995) 9: 519-534.
63.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Garcia-Martinez, V., Climent, V. y J. M. HURLE Morphological analysis of the fish heart ventricle: Myocardial and connective tissue architecture in teleost species. Annals of Anatomy (1995) 177: 267-274.
64.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Garcia-Martinez, V., Climent, V. and HURLE J M Morphological changes in the normal pattern of ventricular myoarchitecture in the developing human heart. Anatomical Record (1995) 243 :483-495
65.-HURLE, J. M., and Colombatti, A. Extracellular matrix modifications during the formation of ectopic digits in the interdigital spaces of the chick embryo leg bud. Anatomy and Embryology (1996) 193: 355-364.
66.-HURLE JM, Ros, M. A., Climent, V., and Garcia-Martinez, V. Morphology and significance of programmed cell death in the developing limb bud of the vertebrate embryo. Microscopic Research and Technique (1996) 34: 236-246
67.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Macias, D., Gañan, Y., Climent, V., Lopez-Sanchez, C., Garcia-Martinez, V., T. K. Sampath, & J. M. HURLE Cardiac malformations induced after in ovo administration of OP-1 to the outflow tract in the developing chick. Inter. Journal of Developmental Biology (1996)sup.: 265-266
68.-Macias, D., Ganan, Y., Ros, M A., and HURLE J M In vivo inhibition of programmed cell death by local administration of FGF-2 and FGF-4 in the interdigital spaces of the embryonic chick leg bud. Anatomy & Embryology (1996) 193: 533-541
69.-Sanchez-Quintana, D., Garcia-Martinez, V., Climent, V. and HURLE, J. M. Myocardial fiber and connective tissue architecture in the fish heart ventricle Journal Experimental Zoology (1996) 275: 112-124.
70.-Ganan, Y., Macias, D., Duterque-Coquillaud, M., Ros, M. A. and HURLE J. M. Role of TGF-β and BMPs as signals controlling the position of the digits and the areas of interdigital cell death in the developing chick limb autopod. Development (1996) 122: 2349-2357.
71.-Ros, M. A., Fallon, J. F. and HURLE J M Analysis of the morphogenetic potential of the interdigital tissue by means of recombinant limbs. Developmental Dynamics (1997) 208: 406-419.
72.-Macias, D, Ganan, Y., Sampath, T. K., Piedra, M. E., Ros, M. A., and HURLE J.M. Role of BMP-2 and OP-1 (BMP-7) in programmed cell death and skeletogenesis during chick limb development. Development (1997) 124: 1109-1117.
73.-Ganan, Y., Macias, D.,Basco R.D., Merino, R. and HURLE J. M. Morphological diversity of the avian foot is related with the pattern of msx gene expression in the developing autopod. Developmental Biology (1998) 196: 33-41.
74.- Merino, R.,Ganan, Y., Macias, D., Economides, A.N., Sampath, K.T., and HURLE, J.M. Morphogenesis of digits in the avian limb is controlled by FGFs, TGF? and Noggin trhough BMP signaling. Developmental Biology 200, 35-45 (1998).
75.- Merino, R., Macias, D., Ganan, Y., Economides, A. N. , X. Wang, Q. Wu, Stahl, N., Sampath, K.T.,Varona, P. and HURLE, J. M. Expression and function of GDF-5 during digit skeletogenesis in the embryonic chick leg bud. Developmental Biology (1999) 206: 33-45
76.-Macias, D., Ganan, Y.,Rodriguez-Leon, J., Merino, R., and HURLE, J. M. Regulation by members of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of the digital and interdigital fates of the autopodial limb mesoderm Cell Tissue Res 296: 95-112 (1999)
77.- Merino, R., Macias, D., Ganan, Y., Rodriguez-Leon, J. Economides, C., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., Izpisua-Belmonte, J. C. & HURLE J. M. Control of digit formation by activin signaling. Development. (1999)126: 2161-2170
78.- HURLE, J. M., and Merino, R. Cell death in biology and pathology. BioEssays 21: 92. (1999)
79.-Merino, R., Ganan, Y., Macias, D., Rodriguez-Leon, J. and HURLE J. M. Bone Morphogenetic proteins regulated interdigital cell death in the avian embryo. Ann. Acad. Sci. New York (1999)887:120-132.
80.- Rodriguez-Leon, J., Merino, R., Macias, D., Ganan, Y., Santesteban, E., and HURLE, J. M. Retinoic acid regulates programmed cell death through BMP signalling. Nature Cell Biol. (1999) 1: 125-126
81.- Merino, R., Rodriguez-Leon, J., Macias, D., Gañan, Y., Economides, A.N., and HURLE J. M. The BMP antagonist Gremlin regulates outgrowth, chondrogenesis and programmed cell death in the developing limb. Development (1999) 126, 5515-5522.
82.- Montero, J.A., Ganan, Y., Macias, D., Rodriguez-Leon, J., Sanz-Ezquerro, J.J., Merino, R., Chimal-Monroy, J., Nieto, M.A., and HURLE J.M. Role of FGFs in the control of programmed cell death during limb development. Development (2001) 128: 2076-2084
83.- HURLE J M , Merino R. Apoptosis In: Encyclopedia of Evolution. Vol. 1. M.Pagel Ed. Oxford University Press. New York. (2002).pp. 61-64.
84.-Chimal-Monroy,J., Montero, J.A., Ganan, Y., Macias, D, Garcia-Porrero J.A., and J.M.HURLE Comparative analysis of the expression and regulation of Wnt5a,Fz4, and Frzb1 during digit formation and in micromass cultures. Developmental Dynamics (2002). 224:314-320
85.- Zuzarte-Luis, V and HURLE J. M. Programmed cell death in the developing limb. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 46, 871-876(2002)
86.- J. A. Montero, B. Giron, H. Arrechedera , Y-C. Cheng, P. Scotting, J. Chimal-Monroy, J.A.Garcia-Porrero and J.M. HURLE Expression of Sox8, Sox9 and Sox10 in the developing valves and autonomic nerves of the embryonic heart Mechanisms of Development 118: 199-202 (2002).
87.- Chimal-Monroy,J, Rodriguez-Leon,J, Montero, J.A., Ganan, Y., Macias, D, R.Merino, and J. M. HURLE Analysis of the molecular cascade responsible for mesodermal limb chondrogenesis: Sox genes and BMP signaling. Developmental Biology 257: 292 – 301 (2003)
88.- R. Merino y J. M. HURLE The molecular basis of retinoid action in tumors TRENDS Mol Med. 9: 509-511 (2003)
89.-Vanessa Zuzarte-Luis; Juan A. Montero; Joaquin Rodriguez-Leon; Ramon Merino; Jose C. Rodriguez-Rey and Juan M HURLE A new role for BMP5 during limb development acting through the synergic activation of Smad and MAPK pathways. Developmental Biology, 272: 39-52 (2004)
90.- Zuzarte-Luis, V and J. M.HURLE (2005) Cell death in the developing vertebrate limb. Sem. Cell Dev. Biol. 16:261-269
91.- Garcia-Porreo J. A. y HURLE J.M. (2005) Anatomia Humana. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana. ISBN 844860522-5.
92.- Zuzarte-Luis, V. Berciano M.T., Lafarga M. and HURLE J. M.(2006) Caspase 2 activation and nuclear translocation of AIF are major steps of the interdigital apoptotic cascade Apoptosis 11: 701-715.
93.- Sanchez, A, Fernandez, MA., Rodriguez,A.,Fernandez, J.,Torre-Perez, N., HURLE JM. and J. Garcia-Sancho (2006). Experimental models for cardiac regeneration. Nature Clinical Practice. Cardiovascular Medicine 3 (S1): 29-32
94.- Zuzarte-Luis, V. and HURLE J. M. (2007) Apoptosis in fins and limb development In: Fins into limbs: Evolution, development and transformation (B. K. Hall ed.). University of Chicago Press pp. 103-108
95.- V. Zuzarte-Luis, J.A. Montero, Y. Kawakami; J C Izpisua-Belmonte and HURLE J.M. (2007). Lysosomal cathepsins are mediators of embryonic programmed cell death. Developmental Biology. 301:205-217
96.- Rodriguez-Guzman, Montero J A , Macias, D. Ganan, Y and J. M. HURLE (2007) Tendon-muscle crosstalk controls muscle bellies morphogenesis, which is mediated by cell death and retinoic acid signaling. Developmental Biology. 302: 267-280
97.- Montero, J.A., Zuzarte-Luis, V Garcia-Martinez V. and HURLE J. M. (2007) Role of rhoC in digit morphogenesis during limb development. Developmental Biology.303: 325-335.
98.- Zuzarte-Luis, V., Montero, J. A., Torre-Perez, N. Garcia-Porrero, J. A. and HURLE, J. M. (2007). Cathepsin D gene expression outlines the areas of physiological cell death during embryonic development. Developmental Dynamics 236: 880-885
99.- Montero J.A. and HURLE J.M. (2007) Deconstructing digit chondrogenesis. Bioessays 29: 725-737
100.- Montero JA, Lorda-Diez CI, Gañan Y, Macias D, HURLE JM. (2008)
Activin/TGFbeta and BMP crosstalk determines digit chondrogenesis.
Dev Biol. 321:343-56.
101.- Torre-Perez N, Montero JA, Zuzarte-Luis V, Garcia-Porrero JA, Rubio N, Blanco J, Nistal JF, HURLE JM. (2008) Migration and differentiation of human umbilical cord stem cells after heart injury in chicken embryos. Stem Cells Dev. 2008 Mar 21; [Epub ahead of print]. |