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Publicaciones científicas del Profesor García-Porrero

1: Torre-Perez N, Montero JA, Zuzarte-Luis V, Garcia-Porrero JA, Rubio N, Blanco J, Nistal JF, Hurle JM.

 Migration and differentiation of human umbilical cord stem cells after Herat injury in chicken embryos.

Stem Cells Dev. 2008 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print]


2: Zuzarte-Luis V, Montero JA, Torre-Perez N, Garcia-Porrero JA, Hurle JM.

 Cathepsin D gene expression outlines the areas of physiological cell death during embryonic development.

Dev Dyn. 2007 Mar;236(3):880-5.


3: Garcia Porrero JA.

 [Janus' brain]

Orthod Fr. 2003 Dec;74(4):525-32. French.


4: Montero JA, Giron B, Arrechedera H, Cheng YC, Scotting P, Chimal-Monroy J, Garcia-Porrero JA, Hurle JM.

 Expression of Sox8, Sox9 and Sox10 in the developing valves and autonomic nerves of the embryonic heart.

Mech Dev. 2002 Oct;118(1-2):199-202.


5: Chimal-Monroy J, Montero JA, Gañan Y, Macias D, Garcia-Porrero JA, Hurle JM.

 Comparative analysis of the expression and regulation of Wnt5a, Fz4, and Frzb1 during digit formation and in micromass cultures.

Dev Dyn. 2002 Jul;224(3):314-20.


6: Godin I, Garcia-Porrero JA, Dieterlen-Lièvre F, Cumano A.

 Stem cell emergence and hemopoietic activity are incompatible in mouse intraembryonic sites.

J Exp Med. 1999 Jul 5;190(1):43-52.


7: Garcia-Porrero JA, Manaia A, Jimeno J, Lasky LL, Dieterlen-Lièvre F, Godin IE.

 Antigenic profiles of endothelial and hemopoietic lineages in murine

intraembryonic hemogenic sites.

Dev Comp Immunol. 1998 May-Jun;22(3):303-19.


8: Carrió R, López-Hoyos M, Jimeno J, Benedict MA, Merino R, Benito A,

Fernández-Luna JL, Núñez G, García-Porrero JA, Merino J.

 A1 demonstrates restricted tissue distribution during embryonic development and functions to protect against cell death.

Am J Pathol. 1996 Dec;149(6):2133-42.


9: Garcia-Porrero JA, Godin IE, Dieterlen-Lièvre F.

 Potential intraembryonic hemogenic sites at pre-liver stages in the mouse.

Anat Embryol (Berl). 1995 Nov;192(5):425-35.


10: Dieterlen-Lievre F, Godin IE, Garcia-Porrero JA, Marcos MA.

 Initiation of hemopoiesis in the mouse embryo.

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1994 Apr 15;718:140-6. Review.


11: Marcos MA, Godin I, Cumano A, Morales S, Garcia-Porrero JA, Dieterlen-Lievre F, Gaspar ML.

 Developmental events from hemopoietic stem cells to B-cell populations and Ig repertoires.

Immunol Rev. 1994 Feb;137:155-71. Review.


12: Godin IE, Garcia-Porrero JA, Coutinho A, Dieterlen-Lièvre F, Marcos MA.

 Para-aortic splanchnopleura from early mouse embryos contains B1a cell progenitors.

Nature. 1993 Jul 1;364(6432):67-70.


13: Ojeda JL, Ros MA, Icardo JM, García-Porrero JA.

 Basement membrane alterations during development and regression of tubular cysts.

Kidney Int. 1990 May;37(5):1270-80.


14: Ojeda JL, Ros A, García-Porrero JA.

 Structural and morphometric characteristics of the basement membrane of rabbit parietal podocytes induced by corticoids.

Acta Anat (Basel). 1989;135(4):307-17.


15: García-Porrero JA, Lemes A.

 Arterial segmentation and subsegmentation in the human spleen.

Acta Anat (Basel). 1988;131(4):276-83.


16: Angeles Ros M, Ojeda JL, García-Porrero JA.

 Histochemical characteristics of the basement membranes of the parietal podocytes in the rabbit kidney. A light- and electron-microscopic study.

Acta Anat (Basel). 1988;133(4):303-8.


17: Ojeda JL, Ros MA, García-Porrero JA.

 [Role of the basement membrane in the pathogenesis of polycystic kidney: a new pathogenetic hypothesis based on an experimental model]

Minerva Urol Nefrol. 1987 Jul-Sep;39(3):275-82. Review. Italian.


18: García-Porrero JA, Colvee E, Ojeda JL.

 Retinal cell death occurs in the absence of retinal disc invagination: experimental evidence in papaverine-treated chicken embryos.

Anat Rec. 1987 Apr;217(4):395-401.


19: Ros MA, García-Porrero JA, Ojeda JL.

 Duplication of slit diaphragms in the cystic glomeruli of rabbits treated with methylprednisolone acetate.

Acta Anat (Basel). 1987;130(4):362-5.


20: Ojeda JL, Ros MA, García-Porrero JA.

 Polycystic kidney disease induced by corticoids. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of cell populations in the tubular cysts.

Nephron. 1986;42(3):240-8.


21: Ojeda JL, Ros MA, García-Porrero JA.

 Evidence for a new type of juxtamedullary nephron in the rabbit kidney.

Acta Anat (Basel). 1986;126(1):63-7.


22: Ros MA, Ojeda JL, García-Porrero JA.

 Vascular architecture modifications in the steroid-induced polycystic kidney.

Nephron. 1985;40(3):332-40.


23: García-Porrero JA, Colvée E, Ojeda JL.

 Cell death in the dorsal part of the chick optic cup. Evidence for a new necrotic area.

J Embryol Exp Morphol. 1984 Apr;80:241-9.


24: García-Porrero JA, Colvée E, Ojeda JL.

 The mechanisms of cell death and phagocytosis in the early chick lens

morphogenesis: a scanning electron microscopy and cytochemical approach.

Anat Rec. 1984 Jan;208(1):123-36.


25: Ojeda JL, Garcia-Porrero JA, Ros MA.

 A new and simple method for studying the microanatomy of nephrons and collecting tubules.

Stain Technol. 1984 Jan;59(1):37-42.


26: Ojeda JL, García-Porrero JA.

 Structure and development of parietal podocytes in renal glomerular cysts induced in rabbits with methylprednisolone acetate.

Lab Invest. 1982 Aug;47(2):167-76.


27: Icardo JM, Ojeda JL, Garcia-Porrero JA, Hurle JM.

 The cerebellar arteries: cortical patterns and vascularization of the cerebellar nuclei.

Acta Anat (Basel). 1982;113(2):108-16.


28: Hinchliffe JR, Garcia-Porrero JA, Gumpel-Pinot M.

 The role of the zone of polarizing activity in controlling the differentiation of the apical mesenchyme of the chick wing-bud: histochemical techniques in the analysis of a developmental problem.

Histochem J. 1981 Jul;13(4):643-58.


29: Garcia-Porrero JA, Ojeda JL.

 A stereoscan analysis of cell surface characteristics during the interkinetic nuclear migration in normal and colchicine-treated developing chick retina.

Experientia. 1981 Feb 15;37(2):181-2. No abstract available.


30: García-Porrero JA, Icardo JM, Ojeda JL.

 A quantitative study of the position of the Golgi apparatus in the early developing chick eye.

Anat Embryol (Berl). 1981;163(1):77-85.


31: Ojeda JL, García-Porrero JA.

 Proximal tubule changes in the polycystic kidney induced by methylprednisolone acetate in the newborn rabbit. A microdissection-SEM study.

Experientia. 1981;37(8):894-6.


32: Ojeda JL, García-Porrero JA, Hurle JM.

 Experimental formation of podocytes in the parietal layer of the Bowman's capsule.

Experientia. 1979 Dec 15;35(12):1658-60.


33: García-Porrero JA, Collado JA, Ojeda JL.

 Cell death during detachment of the lens rudiment from ectoderm in the chick embryo.

Anat Rec. 1979 Apr;193(4):791-804.


34: García-Porrero JA, Ojeda JL.

 Cell death and phagocytosis in the neuroepithelium of the developing retina. A TEM and SEM study.

Experientia. 1979 Mar 15;35(3):375-6.


35: García-Porrero JA, Ojeda JL, Hurlé JM.

 Cell death during the postnatal morphogenesis of the normal rabbit kidney and in experimental renal polycystosis.

J Anat. 1978 Jun;126(Pt 2):303-18.