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Viñeta verdeResearch in Biotechnology


This Program is aimed at teaching undergraduate students the basics of biotechnological research and applications. It is part of the UC REAL Summer Programs (/en/summerprograms/), offered as a study abroad opportunity to foreign students.

During weeks 1 to 4, students will receive four courses on biotechnology, plus two elective courses (/en/summerprograms/Elective-Courses.htm). Contents include fundamentals of modern molecular biology and genome structure, genetic engineering techniques and advanced technology of genomic-level gene analysis in Biomedicine, or biotechnological procedures for animal manipulation and for production of biological molecules of industrial interest. Additionally, several leaders of IBBTEC research groups will introduce the students to the scientific method and present their research fields and teams, which will host the students for the research practice.


Courses included:

Fundamentals of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

Biotechnology in Medicine

Industrial Biotechnology

Research in biotechnology: a case-based approach

   Detailed Program 



Dates: The program will start on monday June 3, 2013. The full 8-week program will end on friday July 26. The 4-week program will end on friday June 28.


Online registration: february 2013.


+ General Information










October 8th-9th, 2012
Paraninfo, Palacio de la Magdalena
Santander, Spain