Second International Conference on Mathematical Software

Castro Urdiales, SPAIN, September 1-3 2006

Session 3

Title: Computer Mathematics
Organizer: Freek Wiedijk (
Advisory organizer: Henk Banrendregt


The field of Computer Mathematics (using mathematical assistants that go beyond CAS in that they can deal with conditions for equations and inequalities and even with quantifiers and general non-computable structures) has been progressed. The following has been fully formalised in the past four years.
This session will focus on this rapid progress of the Computer Mathematics, which has interdiciplinary aspects with  several areas of mathematics and computer sciences.

Organizer's contact data:

Freek Wiedijk


Postal address:
Room A5022a
Toernooiveld 1
6525 ED Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Phone: 024-3652249
Fax:       024-3652728